班尼迪克蛋烟熏三⽂⻥⽜油果酱 Eggs benedict , smoked salmon , avocado guacamole
Release Date:2021-12-03

Procedure :


Step 1 : First of all clean the avocado , put in one bowl add cilantro chopped ,onions chopped ,tomato cut in cube ,one chili cut in slice , salt pepper ,lemon juice . Mix all with a wooden spoon until became creamy and keep in the fridge . ⾸先将⽜油果洗净,放⼊⼀个碗中加⼊⾹菜叶⼀起 切碎,洋葱切碎,⻄红柿切成⽅块,辣椒切成薄⽚加⼊盐胡 椒,柠檬汁,⽤⽊勺搅拌,直到变成奶油状,放在冰箱⾥。 INGREDIENT QUANT ITY INGREDIENT QUANT ITY RUSTIC BREAD 4 pcs BUTTER 250 gr AVOCADO 2 pcs LEMON juice 20 ml CILANTRO 30 gr POTATO baby 280 gr ONIONS 50 gr ROSEMARY 30 gr TOMATO 80 gr SALT 10 gr CHILI 1 pcs PEPPER 2 gr EGG 4 pcs SMOKED SALMON 8 slice VINEGAR 150 ml Eggs yolk 3 pcs SHALLOT 80 gr

Step 2 : Take a small pot add the chopped shallot , the vinegar and redice it 50 %, when is done filter the vinegar. 取⼀⼩锅加⼊切碎的⻘葱、醋再收汁到50%,完成后过滤醋。

Step 3: IN a small pot melt the butter . 在⼀个⼩锅中融化⻩油。

Step 4 : Prepare a pot with bain-marie , don't let water boil too much ( around 78c) , add the egg yolk with the hot vinegar and start to whip slowly . after add drop by drop the butter until we have a hot cream like mayonnaise . take out from the baimmarie add lemon juice , adjust of salt and pepper and keep warm .准备⼀个锅隔⽔加热,不要让⽔煮得太多(⼤约78摄⽒ 度),加⼊热醋蛋⻩,开始慢慢搅拌。在加⼊⼀滴⼀滴的⻩ 油,直到我们有⼀个像蛋⻩酱⼀样的热奶油。取出后加⼊柠檬 汁,调匀盐和胡椒粉,保温。

Step 5 : In one small pot boil the potato for 15 minutes , after cook take out from the water , take out the skin and pan-fried in a pan with butter , olive oil , salt , pepper and rosemary . when ready keep warm 在⼀个⼩锅⾥把⼟⾖煮15分钟,煮熟后从⽔中取 出,去除⼟⾖⽪,⽤⻩油、橄榄油、盐、胡椒粉和迷迭⾹在锅 ⾥煎,准备好后保温。

Step 6 : Take one medium pot add water and bring to boil . 取⼀个中锅加⽔煮沸。

Step 7 : Take a plastic film add olive oil and put the hole eggs inside . Wrap the plastic like a ball and boil in hot water for 5 minutes . Take out from the plastic film and keep warm 取⼀个塑料薄 膜,加⼊橄榄油,把整个鸡蛋放进去。把塑料膜包成球状,在 热⽔⾥煮5分钟,然后从塑料薄膜中取出并保温。

Step 8 : Take the bread , add on top the avocado guacamole , the slice of smoked salmon , the eggs , the hollandaise sauce on top . On the side serve with hot roasted potato . 取出⾯包,在上⾯加鳄梨酱,烟熏鲑⻥⽚,鸡蛋,荷兰酱。另 配热烤⼟⾖。