法式可丽饼 Sweet crep, chantilly , forest fruit
Release Date:2021-12-03

Procedure :


Step 1: In pot put the milk and bring to boil . In one bowl mix 70 gr sugar ,3 egg yolk and 25 gr flour . Add the milk in the bowl and bring to boil again until we have a cream . When is cold add the whipping cream and keep in the fridge . INGREDIENT QUANT ITY INGREDIENT QUANT ITY MILK 250 ml FLOUR 55 gr EGG yolk 3 pcs EGGS 3 pcs SUGAR 70 gr SUGAR 70 gr CREAM 200 gr MILK 500 ml BLUEBERRY 150 gr BUTTER 30 gr RASPBERRY 150 gr Strawberry 150gr MINT 10 gr Flour 25 gr 把⽜奶放在锅⾥煮。在⼀个碗中混合70克糖,3个蛋⻩和25克 ⾯粉,加⼊⽜奶放进碗⾥,再煮到我们有奶油为⽌。冷的时候, 加⼊搅打奶油,放在冰箱⾥。

Step 2 : In one bowl mix 55 gr of flour ,3 eggs ,70 gr of sugar , 500 ml of milk and 30 ge of melted butter . 在⼀个碗中混合55克⾯粉、3个鸡蛋、70克糖、500毫升⽜奶和 30克融化的⻩油。

Step 3 : In one pan make the crep one by one and keep in the fridge 在⼀个平底锅做薄饼然后⼀张⼀张的放在冰箱⾥先保存。

Step 4 : In one pan add sugar , 75 gr strawberry , 75 gr blueberry and 75 of raspberry add a bit of water and bring to boil until the fruit start to melt and became a sauce . 在⼀个平底锅中加⼊糖、75克草莓、75克蓝莓和75克覆盆⼦, 加⼊少许⽔,煮沸,直到⽔果开始融化,变成沙司。

Step 5: In one plate put the crep add the Chantilly cream , add the fresh berry ( strawberry , blueberry and raspberry ) , close half , add the berry sauce , icing sugar and mint . 在⼀个盘⼦⾥放薄饼再加⼊奶油,加⼊新鲜浆果(草莓、蓝莓 和覆盆⼦),合上⼀半,加⼊果酱、糖霜和薄荷。